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Positive Futures in Wyre is a vital new project which is being designed to help local people develop their skills, build confidence and gain experience to improve their employability. 


The Volunteer Centre Blackpool Wyre & Fylde, in partnership with Fleetwood Town Community Trust, will deliver the economic inactivity project which will work alongside their successful Youth Hub service. The contract will run until March 2025 and has been funded from the UK Government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF)


The focus of the project will be on delivering solutions to the barriers that prevent disadvantaged residents from fully realising the local economic opportunities, including pathways into employment, volunteering opportunities or further skills development courses and training. 

A programme of support will be developed that will provide people with the help they need to realise their potential and take their next positive step on the journey to future success, whether that is employment, education or entrepreneurship.


The Positive Futures in Wyre programme will be open for all working-age residents between 16-64 to access, with a particular focus on people aged 16-25 and those over 50 with limiting health conditions. The project team work with residents across the Wyre area and have their main base at the old Fleetwood hospital site on Pharos Street in Fleetwood. 


The extensive programme will include a wide variety of support including:

  • Support with job searching skills, CVs and interview preparation.

  • Personalised and intensive support delivered through experienced professionals, including referrals to relevant local training, skills and specialised support.

  • Providing access to volunteering and work experience placements to improve opportunities.

  • Confidence-building workshops.

  • 1:1 support for those furthest away from the workforce.

  • Training/upskilling in areas such as digital skills to all age groups, particularly young people.

  • Support to promote healthy and active lifestyles and minds.


For anyone wanting to learn more about the project, please contact 


Future Fleetwood is a Partnership Board created in October 2019 to support Wyre Council in submitting a bid to Government to secure Future High Streets Funding for the regeneration of Fleetwood town centre and wider community.

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