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On the anniversary of the Sir Peter's Hesketh's birthday - the founder of Fleetwood was born on this day in 1801, we take the opportunity to share some of the amazing work happening in our Town to support children and young people, and inspire them to shape Fleetwood in years to come.

Liz Loftus is a clinical lead for Fleetwood Primary Care Network, she says,

"Organisations and individuals are working together in the community as the THRIVE network, made up of the local authorities, NHS, schools and others.

We have funded all our 7 primary schools to have access to a free grant to have their own sensory room equipment to help children with SEN/SEMH (Social, emotional and mental health) needs.

There's also funding for primary schools to have free access to counselling provision so we can help our children earlier and quicker Counselling in the Community Charity

Families can now access a children’s mental health appointment in their own GP practice instead of travelling to Blackpool and now don’t have to wait months.

We have direct pathways to CAMHS (Child and adolescent mental health services) and paediatrician consultations so children don’t join the wrong waiting list - we get it right first time We'll also be starting a project that supports families following a children’s A&E admission.

And of course, there's the exciting Youth Hub development in the Town's former hospital building due to open later this year. The Fleetwood Trust are creating a suite of spaces for children and young people, somewhere they can meet for friendship and activities, and also for wellbeing support and life-skills. The project will be managed by experience and caring staff from Fleetwood Town Community Trust."

Liz adds, "There’s a long way to go but with lots of people working tirelessly, there is so much going on in our town and there is so much more to come. A massive thank you to the THRIVE team, we wouldn’t be able to do any of this without a shared vision and passion to make a difference."


Future Fleetwood is a Partnership Board created in October 2019 to support Wyre Council in submitting a bid to Government to secure Future High Streets Funding for the regeneration of Fleetwood town centre and wider community.

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